I recently had a conversation with a friend that went
something like this:
FRIEND: Bitcoin…? What the hell is that?
ME: It’s a crypto-currency.
FRIEND: (blank
stare) Crypto-what?
ME: Well it’s a seriously encrypted
protocol that exists only in the internet cloud that generates units of value
called bitcoins (lowercase “b”) that you can buy and sell on an exchange just
like shares, except they’re not shares, more like forex, except they’re not forex because they’re not a fiat currency like
a dollar or a pound, more like gold, except that they’re not gold because you can’t hold them in your hand
or lock them in a safe. You keep them in
a wallet that doesn’t really exist except as an encrypted algorithm , and if
you lose your wallet you’ve lost your bitcoins, just like cash. But they’re not
FRIEND: (after a long pause) What
have you been smoking?
ME: No, seriously, there’s
really a new internet currency that people from around the world are buying and
selling and using to buy stuff, although the “buying stuff”part is in its
infancy. Not many places accept bitcoins
as payment. Yet. And just like a dollar
can be fractionalised into a hundred pennies, so a bitcoin can be
fractionalised into satoshis, hundred million per bitcoin. And the really cool thing is that Bitcoin is a
world currency that no central bank or government controls.
FRIEND: You’re shitting me?
ME: No, I’m dead serious.
FRIEND: Let me get this straight. Are telling me that you have spent some of your
own, real money to buy some of these bitcoin things that don’t exist?
ME: Yes.
FRIEND: And keep them in a “wallet” that
doesn’t exist?
ME: Yes.
FRIEND: You’re out of your mind.
ME: Maybe, but I don’t think
FRIEND: (realises that I really am dead serious) Well…where does this
“encrypted protocol” come from?
ME: Apparently it was
written by a person…or persons… called Satoshi Nakamoto.
FRIEND: What do you mean “or persons”?
ME: Well, nobody really know
if it’s one or more people, male or female.
FRIEND: Dear God! And this algorithm
that this…whatsisname…?
ME: …Satoshi Nakamoto….
FRIEND: …this algorithm he, she or they
wrote gives out bitcoins to anyone who wants them.
ME: No. Only to miners.
FRIEND: Miners?! You said bitcoins don’t exist, except in the
ME: Yes. As encrypted algorithms.
FRIEND: Then what the are the miners
ME: It’s a bit complicated,
and I don’t really understand it myself, but the miners are like serious maths
boffin geek guys who use hardcore computing power to do these really
complicated sums called a hash, that are
easy to reproduce but impossible to reverse so
a hacker cannot easily reverse-engineer the sum from its answer.
FRIEND: Okay, you lost me there.
ME: The point is that the
sums that these miners “mine”are really hard to do and take a lot of energy and
time. So when the miners (the maths
boffin geek guys) finally do a hash (sum) that the Bitcoin protocol (uppercase
“P”) accepts as valid according to the rules it has laid down, it (the Bitcoin protocol) then “pays”the miner
some bitcoins (lowercase “b”) that the miner then can sell on for dollars or
FRIEND: So the miners get real money for
these sums.
ME: No, the miners get
FRIEND: That they then sell for real
ME: Yes. But don’t forget that “real”money is just paper with a picture
printed on it that everyone agrees has a certain value. Just like bitcoins.
FRIEND: At least I can put paper money
in a real wallet.
ME: So you keep all your
paper money in your wallet?
FRIEND: Obviously not.
ME: Exactly. Most of your money is an encrypted algorithm in your bank account that is also just an
encrypted algorithm…just like a bitcoin wallet.
So what’s the obsession with “real”?
FRIEND: At least I can go to the bank
and take it out when I want to.
ME: Only if the bank allows
you to, as the Cypriots recently discovered.
The cool thing about bitcoins is that they cannot be confiscated by a bank
or government or anyone alse. There’s no
bitcoin “bank” where you keep your bitcoins, only your wallet. And you are the only person on earth with
access to your wallet. It’s like being your own bank. That’s why you lose everything if you lose the
password/key to your wallet.
FRIEND: (after another long silence) Okay, suppose I get me some of these
bitcoins, what can I buy with them?
ME: At the moment, not much.
But more and more shops and places are accepting them as payment . But I’m not buying bitcoins to use to buy
things. I’m buying them as a hedge.
FRIEND: Against what?
ME: The world economic
FRIEND: What depression?
ME: The one we’re in.
FRIEND: We’re in a recession, not a
ME: We’re in a depression
disguised to look like a recession by the printing of trillions of dollars and
pounds and yen and God knows what other currencies. Sooner or later (and I believe it will be
sonner) those trillions are going to bite the world economy in the arse because
there’s no way that we can pay them back.
It’s like the God of all bankers somewhere in the universe is calling in
the loan and our governments who borrowed those trillions on our behalf cannot
pay, so he’s coming to repo whole economies. And then we'll see this "recession" will show its true colours.
FRIEND: And that’s why you’re buying
ME: Exactly.
FRIEND: What’s stopping the God of all
bankers from taking your bitcoins?
ME: The only way he can do
that is to put a gun to my head for the key to my bitcoin wallet. By the time it comes to that the world will
be in such chaos already that my bitcoins will be the least of my worries.
Until then I’m buying bitcoins. They’re
very cheap now because so few people in the world are buying them, but when the
crunch comes there’s a very good chance that lots more people will want to buy
them and because the supply of bitcoins is limited and cannot be expanded by
any government, they could be worth a lot.
FRIEND: How much?
ME: No idea.
FRIEND: This Bitcoin business sounds risky to me.
ME: It is. But how safe are you feeling about the world
economy at the moment?
FRIEND: You could lose everything on
ME: Sure, but only if I put
everything into Bitcoin. I might be mad, but I don’t put all my eggs in one
FRIEND: So you’ve still got some of that
paper money that you don’t trust.
ME: Yes, but I’ve also got
bitcoins. All you’ve got is paper money.
(Longest pause of the conversation)
FRIEND: Sounds too complicated to
me. Can I have another beer?
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